Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Types of Cells

1Q: What is a Daniel cell ?
Ans: Mr. Daniel employed copper sulphate solution as a depolariser in place of manganese dioxide and rest of the construction of his cell was similar to that of a voltaic cell. Daniel cell is no longer in use.

2Q: What is a Lechlanche cell ?
It is an improved type of voltaic cell in which ammonium chloride is filled in a zinc container which acts as a cathod. The carbon anode is placed in a porous pot filled with manganese dioxide granules.

3Q: What is a dry cell ?
A dry cell is a compact form of Lechlanche cell. It employs a paste consisting of ammonium chloride, zinc chloride and plaster of paris as an electrolyte.

4Q: What is the per cell e.m.f. of a Lechlanche cell ?
The e.m.f. of a Lechlanche cell is 1.5 volts.

5Q: What is a lead-acid cell ?
A lead-acid cell is a secondary cell and it is commonly referred as an accumulator. It consists of positive plates of lead peroxide, negative plates of spongy lead, dilute sulphuric acid and a hard rubber container.

6Q: What is meant by forming ?
Originally, the positive and negative plates of a lead-acid cell are made of red lead and litharge respectively. On filling dilute sulphuric acid in the cell, chemical actions are started and the positive plates get turned into PbO2 while the negative plates get turned into Pb. This process is known as forming.

7Q: How will you identify that a lead-acid cell has stored charge?
Ans: The specific gravity of the electrolyte of charged lead-acid cell rises upto 1.25 - 1.28 and the e.m.f. becomes 2.1 to 2.2 volts.

8Q: How will you identify a discharged lead-acid cell?
Ans: The specific gravity of the electrolyte of a discharged lead-acid cell drops to 1.15 - 1.18 and the e.m.f. drops to 1.8 volts.

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