Friday, March 22, 2013

Basic Electricity Questions

1Q: What is electricity?
Ans: It is sort of energy which can be experienced in its applications like bulb, heater, motor, radio set etc.

2Q: What is electric current?
Ans: The movement of electrons/charge carriers across a conductor is called electric current or current.

3Q: What is conductor?
Ans: A substance, which readily allows a current to flow across it, is called a conductor.

4Q: What factor decides the conductivity of a substance?
Ans: The number of free electrons present in the substance decides its conductivity.

5Q: What is an insulator?
Ans: A substance, which hardly allows a current to flow across it, is called an insulator. Most of the insulators have 4 or 8 electrons in their outermost shell.

6Q: What are important characteristics of a good insulator?
Ans: It should have high dielectric constant, high break-down voltage and should be permanent, rigid and least electric absorbent.

7Q: What are important characteristics of a good conductor?
Ans: It should have a low specific resistance and should be ductile, rigid and cheap.

8Q: What is a semi-conductor?
Ans: A substance, which is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator, is called a semi-conductor, e.g. Germanium, Silicon etc.

9Q: What are the two main types of electric current?
Ans: Direct current and alternating current.

10Q: What is D.C.?
Ans: The current whose direction and magnitude remain fixed is called direct current(D.C.).

11Q: What is A.C.?
Ans: The current whose direction and magnitude remain alternating at a definite rate is called alternating current(A.C.).

12Q: What are the merits of A.C. over D.C.?
Ans: A.C. can be transformed from low to high and high to low voltages easily. It can economically be transmitted over long distances.

13Q: What are the merits of D.C. over A.C.?
Ans: D.C. is essential for many electronic and industrial applications.

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